University of Marconi (USGM) is the first IT Open University recognized by Ministry of Education, University & Research in 2004. It has 232 employees and more than 260 professors/researchers. 16.000 students are enrolled in 6 Schools: Business, Law, Political Sciences, Applied Sciences & Technologies, Arts, Education Science. USGM adopts innovating learning methods and advanced technological solutions integrating non residential communication means (e-learning, videoconference, etc.) with seminar activities. Virtual C@Mpus Platform is the main platform for contents delivering: an Integrated Multimodal System which integrates mobile/mp3, PC, e-book, television. It includes 15.000 video lessons and 200 multimedia learning paths in Italian, English, Greek, Russian, Spanish. The Research & Development Dept. has wide experience in National/EU projects in terms of coordinating, developing innovative educational and e-learning solutions.
USGM undertakes several innovative activates in cooperation with different actors. Among others, here some pivotal ones:
- University-business cooperation: USGM e Baker Hughes© General Electric on Industry 4.0.
- GREEN HERO accelerator to encourage private investments in start-ups, scale ups and innovative SMEs in the Green Economy sector
- UNI/PdR “Enterprise 4.0: guidelines to promote innovation of SMEs and Networks of Enterprises“ designing and implementation of an organizational model to manage the innovation on the 4.0 Business area
For more
USIA Contact at USGM
Susanna Correnti
Research & Development Department
[email protected]