The National Agency for Scientific Research, Technology and Innovation (AKKSHI) is a public legal institution under the Ministry of Education, Sports and Youth. AKKSHI was established based on DCM no. 607, dated 31.08.2016 “On the Establishment, Composition, Organization and Functioning of the National Agency for Scientific Research, Technology and Innovation”.

The establishment of AKKSHI aims to build a modern system of science, strengthen scientific and technological research, and integrate them into the higher education system. AKKSHI facilitates the exchange of knowledge, joint activity and partnership within and outside the country, in order to strengthen research in the country and the region.

The vision of establishing AKKSHI is to create a coordinating and guiding structure that cooperates with institutions in the field of science and technology serving the sustainable development of the country, realized in accordance with national priorities, development of scientific and technological policies and management of Research and Development of line institutions.

For more
USIA Contact at AKKSHI
Marsela Robo, PhD
Director of National Programmes
[email protected]