Project number: 618997-EPP-1-2020-1-AL-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP
Project timeline: 15/01/2021- 15/01/2023
Project Coordinator: Qendra Mesdheu – Mediterranean University of Albania
“University to Society Innomediaries in Albania: Co-Production of knowledge and research that matters” or USIA is a Capacity Building Project in Higher Education financed by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union, managed by the Mediterranean University of Tirana in cooperation with 11 partners in Albania, Serbia, Italy and Germany.
USIA brings together universities, civil society organisations, public institutions and business organisations to enhance an enabling higher education environment that supports university to society collaborations in order to co-produce knowledge and research with an impact that is not only academically insightful but also applicable to the development of Albania in light of European integration and current multiple challenges.
The project strengthens institutional and human resources capacities in universities in Albania through the establishment of Knowledge Transfer and Innovation Brokerage unit that link in an institutionalized and sustainable way university to business, government, civil society, and media. Also, the project will establish and expand a Quadruple Helix network and online platform which will offer networking, matchmaking, brokerage, dissemination, capacity development, support, and valorisation for academic and non-academic actors. The project prioritizes women in academia, research, and innovation.
USIA project is organized within nine working packages:
WP1 – Preparation
WP2 – Design & Development of knowledge transfer and innovation brokerage unit in Albanian HEIs (USIA)
WP3 – Design and Development of Models for co-production of knowledge & research with impact through exchange of experience
WP4 – Online collaborative platform for Quadruple Helix
WP5 – Piloted University to Business Cooperation through “Second a Researcher” Programme
WP6 – Piloting University to Policy Cooperation through Policy Labs & Policy Challenge Fund
WP7 – Quality Assurance
WP8 – Dissemination
WP9 – Management
Full Project Card and Contacts per each partner university here.
Overview of USIA Project here.