“Mesdheu Centre” is an Center affiliated at the Mediterranean University of Albania (MUA) founded in 2007, as a non-profit organization with the mission to provide students with a sustainable quality education and serve as role model for the Albanian knowledge society by using the best knowledge and science achievements, promoting leadership, using the contribution of the best expertise in country, in partnerships with likeminded institutions, businesses and international partners.
Mediterranean University of Albania possesses the potential for development of knowledge in Albanian society; a center of excellence in the academic formation of students; an expertise center specialized in the field of legal, social, political, leadership and economic studies in the country, with influence in the region and beyond;
MUA is constituted of elite academic staff (around150-MSC/PHD/Prof.Asoc/Prof), which combines the experience of one generation with the vitality of another. A considerable number of professors are graduated from well- known European and American Universities providing an excellent knowledge transfer to our students.
For more https://www.umsh.edu.al/
USIA Project Leader
Prof. Asoc. Dr Nevila Xhindi (Ph.D)
General Director for Institutional Cooperation and Project Development
[email protected]